Several months ago, my husband and I fell in love with a sweet little home. Built in 1941, it was nestled on a peaceful little stretch of river shaded by sprawling live oaks. We prayed together, and asked God to intervene on our behalf in this negotiation.
“If it is YOUR will, God, let it be done,” we said.
As the days went by, we allowed ourselves to picture our lives in that little yellow house. I imagined watching Mike grow old and lose his hair, while I grew wrinkly and tan from hours spent in the garden by the river.
When another family outbid us on the home, our hopes were destroyed, and we were left asking God,
“Why didn’t we get the home of our dreams?” We were so sure that it was part of God’s plan for us.
A few weeks later, Mike was informed by his employer that in two weeks, his position would be eliminated. When he told me, all I could do was praise God. “Thank you, God!” I yelled out. So many days I poured out my heart to God, “God, please prepare a home for us,” and, “God, please help me understand why THAT home wasn’t ours.” And here it was, given to me with a healthy dose of perspective so that I would fully understand.
That yellow house would have never been a home to us if we were worried about how we were going to pay for it. God knew what was ahead of us. He protected us from a future that would have been filled with stress and instability.
Now Mike and I enter uncharted territory. We both are looking for jobs. Which is a huge change in direction from only two months ago. I was writing full-time and focusing on the kids and our new little family. It has been difficult for both of us.
Last night, I said to him, “I feel like our entire lives changed in one single phone call.”
And it’s true. They kind of did. Every plan that we thought we had was thrown by the wayside as we both work now to find employment.
I try to remind myself that just like with that little yellow house, God has a plan. He knew what we needed, and what was coming, even though we had no idea. We rest in faith that He has a plan for us and that it is GOOD.